Please make it possible to show images in notes

I normally donā€™t embed images to tasks, as they take up too much space and thereā€™s no way to minimize/hide the embedded images. Instead I normally create a subtask and attach images to it, but as this subtask isnā€™t a task, thatā€™s more of an annoyance than a nice workaround. I also loose the context of the image.

I suggest the following enhancement:
Please make it possible to show images within a note.


  • To be able to show images within a note will make it possible to create a lot more informative and useful notes.
  • I can control myself if the images should be visible in my task list, by showing or hiding the task notes.

An implementation suggestion:
To make it easier to implement this, the images should still be attached to the task, and not attached to the note. I.e. the notes should just be able to show images that are attached to the task.

Related old task:
811 - Insert image within note

Kind regards,

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PS. I found a workaround now, but itā€™s too many stepsā€¦

  1. I attach an image to my task,
  2. I run the command ā€œCopy Permalinkā€ on the attached image,
  3. Finally I embed the image into a note using the following markdown-like syntax: ![|50%](
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It is possible to show images in a note. Use the ā€œatā€ command; it will give you a choice to upload or paste an image; also options to embed or attach it. Attaching it does not show it full size; you can hover and get a preview, or click and see it full-size.

Hello @jola16 ,

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. Weā€™ve attempted to make a quick prototype of this, and the results look promising. I.e. it becomes possible to render an image attached to the parent task within a note of the task.

At the same time, we have features like ā€œImage rescaleā€ and ā€œUpload imageā€ from img: shortcut, and those are noticeably harder to implement. Still, I hope to let you try what we have after the bookmarks release, a bit later.

Thanks again,


@Charles_Heckscher I think Jonas is talking about the ā€œnotesā€ section under list item. As for now, we do not give an easy way to insert attached images in a note. You can do it only for list items.


Hello folks,

On the beta site, it should now be possible to embed the image in a task note. For this to work, the image should already be attached to the parent list item. After that, img: syntax should allow to insert a reference to the image.

Please let us know how it works for you. We plan to make some further enhancements, but I hope what we have now is already useful.


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Works for me (using Safari on Mac).

Consistency remarks:

  • The embedded images in list items have an unembed command (in the pop up) that is missing in notes.
  • Sometimes, I wish to start editing a note with EA/EI (like list items), but only EE works.

And finally noting (because it just occurred when testing embeddings): Renaming an attachment would occasionally be useful. I tried to rename an attachment by pressing EE/F2. Strangely, this led to editing the list title.

Hello @Ralf ,

Thanks a lot for the testing! On your remarks:

  1. Right, we havenā€™t implemented it yet. A bit later :slight_smile:
  2. Good idea too, should now be available on beta, try it out

Renaming an attachment is a good feature, but it is ā€œnice to haveā€ and not that trivial to add. So may be someday later.

Thanks a lot,

Thanks, I have already successfully used EA/EI for notes. :slight_smile:

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Hello folks,

Weā€™ve made a couple of additions, on beta:

  • ā€œUnembedā€ should work for images in attachments, too
  • It should be possible to drag-n-drop an image from Explorer/Finder to a task or note to embed it there (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V works only in Chrome due to browser issues)

Kind regards,

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Hello folks,

  • nn
  • shift shift
  • Enter

should now allow you to choose an image and insert it into a newly added note (beta). Similar when editing a note, shift+shift works there, too.

Hope youā€™ll like it.

Kind regards,

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Actions are consistent now. :ok_hand:

Drag-and-dropping an image onto a list item also works on the iPad with Safari.

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ā€œnn :arrow_up::arrow_up: enterā€ is good to type.

However, I couldnā€˜t figure out how to trigger the ā€œEmbed imageā€ command on an attached image in Safari on iPad. (I would not often need it; I was curiously playing around on the train.)