"wipe" clears sub-tasks of recurring task

I’m not sure if this is the expected behavior, but it definitely took me by surprise…

  1. Create a task
  2. Make it recurring
  3. Add sub-tasks
  4. Mark task/sub-tasks as completed
  5. Use the “wipe” command
  6. Sub-tasks are wiped

I thought that sub-tasks of a recurring task would not be wiped.

Hello Josh,

I think you’re right, wipe should not delete recurring closed tasks and closed sub-items of a recurring task. But we never thought about it before, thanks for pointing out!

Hope to fix this, but I don’t have estimates yet.

Thanks again,

I should also mention that this happens the other way around, too:

  1. Create a task
  2. Add sub-tasks
  3. Make sub-tasks recurring
  4. Mark sub-tasks as completed
  5. Use the “wipe” command
  6. Un-recurring task & its recurring sub-tasks are wiped

Hello Josh,

I believe this problem should be fixed and available for testing at https://beta.checkvist.com

Thanks for reporting!

Just confirmed both scenarios are now fixed.

Thanks for the quick turnaround!

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