When importing OPML if there's a hash in a URL it will become a tag

Good afternoon

I imported some OPML to create a new list, and there was an item with a URL that contained the hash symbol: <outline text="[Doing GTD Kanban Style #1 | Personal Kanban](http://personalkanban.com/pk/featured/doing-gtd-kanban-style-1/#sthash.sIzfPXDR.dpbs)"/>

Which became the following item in Checkvist:
[Doing GTD Kanban Style #1 | Personal Kanban](http://personalkanban.com/pk/featured/doing-gtd-kanban-style-1/#sthash.sIzfPXDR.dpbs) #1 #sthash


I have to remove the tag twice but then it also changes the URL!!! Once the tag is removed I can add the string back into the URL and it will not create a tag.


Sorry for the problem. Checkvist detects tags in OPML only if you select the option “Detect due dates and #tags in imported tasks”. Are you sure you need this option selected?


I’ve also made a change in OPML import on https://beta.checkvist.com which should make tag importing less aggressive, so it should not pick #-anchors from imported URLs as tags.

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At first I definitely did, my to do’s are all tagged (and some of my to do’s include URLs). But once I start importing notes I can probably turn that off.

Thanks. I will try this weekend and let you know.

It appears to be working! Thanks!!!