Tip: How to install a Checkvist Desktop App on Mac or Windows

If folks are looking for a native desktop app for Checkvist for Mac OSX or Windows, here’s a tip I’ve found that works exceptionally well.

Install Nativefier

Run this command:

nativefier --name “Checkvist” https://checkvist.com/

Nativefier will generate a wrapper app (.app on Mac, .exe on Windows) around the Checkvist website. You can add this app to your task bar. The app icon is clearly visible when using ⌘-tab or alt-tab to switch apps. You’ll save time by not having to locate Checkvist among all your open browser tabs.

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UPDATE: Tip: How to install a Checkvist Desktop App on Mac or Windows - #5 by maxkir

Thanks a lot for describing this approach!

We’re aware that some customers use nativifier and some use Fluid way to create a dedicated Checkvist app, but we don’t provide the solution out of the box, yet.

There is a separate request in our uservoice forum where people ask for the dedicated Checkvist desktop app, not solved yet. I’ll add a link to this ticket to your post :slight_smile:

Thanks again,

Thanks for the hint (I am using “Hermit” on my mobile for this kind of “Apps”).
Now I can start and switch to CheckVist (and other Websites) more easily :slight_smile:

One question:
Was nativefier able to retrieve the CheckVist Icon? It failed when I nativefied CheckVist and I only got a generic icon.


Yes, nativefier was able to retrieve the Checkvist icon for me. I tested this on 3 different mac laptops.

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Hello, this may be a late response - but now there is a way to use a native Chrome-based app to run Checkvist. Basically, Chrome offers to install Checkvist as an app, from the location bar.

See a demo here: https://twitter.com/checkvist_news/status/1697602416009511059


I am using Chrome but I don’t see the download-app icon described in the Twitter post. Is there another method to download it?



Sorry for the delayed answer. One of the reasons why you don’t see the icon is that you already have such an app created. Which operating system do you use and which Chrome version? I’ll try to figure out how to help.

Kind regards,

Thank you! I updated my Chrome – you were right that was my problem.

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