Task I navigate into left expanded

Let’s say I have a 4 nested tasks A, B, C, D, and I close B and C:

Closing B and C

Now I got to B, hit ⇧→ to “enter” in to B, and through the breadcrumb come back to the top. All is good, B is still collapsed:


However, I got to B, hit ⇧→ to “enter” in to B, got to C, hit ⇧→ to “enter” in to C, and through the breadcrumb come back to the top then B is expanded. I don’t see why B would be expended in this second case and not the first one, and would prefer it not to.


And again, if this seems like nit picking, rest assured it is not ;), and that I have a case that I do all that time that repeatedly makes me to collapse tasks that I haven’t explicitly expanded.

Did I hit a bug or corner case? Or is this behavior intended? Or should I do things differently from my end?


Hello @avernet,

Thanks a lot for the comprehensive report. Not a trivial bug, indeed. Could you please check how it works now on https://beta.checkvist.com? I hope I’ve nailed it out.

All the best,

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Hi Kir, yes, now it works great; this will really help, thank you!

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