Speed up animations

Looking for a snippet to make all animations have the same speed, and reduce that speed somewhat. Primarily animations on confirming an edit (Enter) and deleting an item (Del), as those slow down the typing (or at least create the perception of Checkvist reacting slowly when I’m trying to enter text fast).
Edit: I should have probably said “transitions”, not “animations”. Although it could be either one, I guess, in any particular case. I’m not looking to speed up the rotation speed of waiting indicators, of course. Just whatever appears to interfere with the speed of working with lists. Thanks!
Edit 2: Some of it could be real Checkvist slowness, but I doubt that. It’s too smooth and consistent.

Ok I tried experimenting, using the snippet below, and either I don’t know enough, or things like committing an edit and deleting an item are indeed somewhat sluggish. Not overly slow, but I wanted to see them happening faster.

:root {
  --quick-transition: 5s;
* {
  transition-duration:var(--quick-transition) !important;

Hello @rubaboo ,

Checkvist may be not that fast, especially on large lists. How many items do you have in your lists?


Not that big, I started a fresh list recently, ~350 items. If the actions (commit after edit, delete) are using transition/animation effects, I’d like to know how to turn those off. If not, I can live with that. Not bad at all, I just generally dislike all sorts of smooth sliding/materializing, and this looked like it could be that.


Checkvist has an animation for item deletion with “Delete” key. There is no animation after the commit of list editing (the UI it updated instantly after the edit and one more time when the editing confirmation comes from the server side).

I’m afraid that at the moment there is no way to disable the animation after “Delete”. Interesting, are there other people who find this animation annoying?

Anyway, we’ll add an experimental property to disable it and see if it will be popular :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

I see, so after a commit it’s just a UI update times two + network latency. Can’t do much there. Today it looks much faster to me. Could have been something on my end, apologies.

When deleting, yes, I still see text “dissolving” before the item below it pulls up.