Search for exact phrase

Is there a way to search for “to do” only, and not for all to-s and do-s? (“to do” is just an example, I am looking for a generic way to search for a phrase that includes spaces.)

Currently both search and filtering show all occurrences of any word in a space separated word list. If I try to add quotes around two words, nothing is found.

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Hi, sorry, there is no support for the full phrase search :frowning:

I’m moving this to Features/Ideas. Any way to filter by phrase please, whichever suits better:

  • an option
  • a different keyboard shortcut
  • a way to escape space character
  • a way to quote the entire phrase

Please let me know if there is already a FR like that. If not, vote for this one. :wave:

Oh, and I discovered something that could be used for now: global search does phrase search with double quotes. Only the results with the phrase are displayed, but the phrase is not highlighted. You can still jump to any result using gg.

Thanks! The global search may work for the exact match, but it is not officially supported, so it works by coincidence. Anyway, this feature request is both about filtering and the search, and quoting text should be the proper way to handle it.

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More ideas on search functionality:

  1. Make it RegEx search.
  2. A way to search only nodes, i.e. ignore matches within notes.
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