[Question] Disable font scaling

Is there an easy piece of css to turn off that feature where fonts become smaller once the viewport is reduced to a certain width?

UPDATE: I tried to inspect briefly in the past, and could not find how it’s done. Now I see widget.css gets applied or removed behind the scenes, depending on the viewport width. How can I defeat that? Clone the entire widget.css and revert every rule?

Solved it with this userScript.

let el = document.querySelector('link[rel="stylesheet"][media^="only screen and "][media*="max-width"]');

Hi, may I ask why did not you like that Checkvist tries to adapt for the smaller screens? What is your use case?


I use split-screen functionality that some browsers provide – two tabs side-by-side. And unless I keep the sides very close to equal width, fonts and padding become different between the two. I wanted to prevent that.

Perhaps I would not have to use split-screen if I knew how to jump to another node and easily return back to where I was working previously. If I simply find my way to another location, then later I have to navigate back to the previous location, which requires remembering where that was :thinking:. I suspect there’s probably more than one way that this is possible in Checkvist, but I have not taken time to find out.

Could you suggest how to do that using existing Checkvist features? Thanks.

Hello @rubaboo ,

Sorry for the delay with the answer. Jumping to a place where you worked previously depends on if this place in the same list or in another one.

If you need to jump to another list, you need to use a browser shortcut for “Back”. I use Cmd+[ in Chrome on Mac.

As for navigating inside the list, you can use g arrowLeft or g arrowRight sequence to navigate visited locations in the current list.

A blog post with demo where we introduced this feature: Your word processor cannot do it - Checkvist

Hope this is useful,

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