Option to see task estimation in hrs not in days when showing in progress counter?


Is there an option to switch from task estimation view from working days to hours when showing it in progress counter? Or maybe an option to set not 8hrs working day? :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hello Pavel,

You can use “show hours” in the tooltip if you hover the time estimate value. Would it work for you?



Absolutely! Didn’t know about this option. Cool. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

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When I use the show hours option, it only displays it temporarily. Is there an option somewhere to make this the persistent default? It bothers me more than I would’ve thought to see 1 day 2h on the side of my progress counters compared to 10h.

Hello Jonathan,

Better late than never, they say. Now the “show hours” option is remembered, please see how it works on the https://beta.checkvist.com - I hope this is what you were asking for :slight_smile:

Kind regards,