List email changed unexpectedly


I frequently use the email to tasks feature in checkvist - its great! It is the easiest way for me to track work tasks that come in via email. I was surprised to see that none of the tasks I emailed yesterday showed up in my list. This morning I checked the list settings, it seems like the list email address ( changed to a new address unexpectedly. When I sent a task to the new email, it worked fine. I’m concerned this seems to have happened randomly. Is there any way I could have changed it inadvertently? Thanks in advance.


Hi Brett,

The e-mail may change if you re-generate OpenAPI key on the profile page. Could it happen in your case?

Sorry for the problem,


No worries, that is the explanation. I regenerated the OpenAPI key a few times in trying to set up the cvcap tool provided by @crispinb. Good to remember for the future!


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Maybe information about the side effects would be helpful when generating a new API key. (Didn’t generate keys recently, but a change of email addresses would definitely be a thing I need to take care of.)

Hello folks,

We’ve added an explicit confirmation when a user re-generates OpenAPI key that the e-mail addresses for the “Send via e-mail” feature should be updated.

So far the fix is on beta, will push it to production on the next update.


Thanks. I always feel relieved when there is less chance I break something. :wink:

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