How to Use a Checkvist Bookmarklet on Mobile

Using the Share function on Android enabled by the progressive web app works great, but figured out this alternate method of adding to Checkvist using a bookmarklet on mobile that works on Android and iOS.

For Android:

  1. Enable the Home button in the Settings on mobile Chrome if your browser allows it.
  2. Log into in your mobile Chrome browser.
  3. Cut/paste the javascript from as your mobile Chrome Homepage in your browser Settings.
  4. Pressing the Home button activates the bookmarklet and creates an item much like using the Checkvist webclipper on desktop Chrome.

Bonus: with the bookmarklet page displayed in mobile Chrome, you can “Add to Homescreen” and use it as a quick add button.

For iOS:
1: Replace any bookmark’s URL with the javascript code below and you can use this bookmarklet to create Checkvist items on iOS.
2: When browsing, activate the bookmarklet and it pops up a clipper page that disappears after adding to a list, then you’re back to browsing.

Thanks to Finn Christian Reusch (finnchr) on GitHub for posting this checkvist-bookmarklet:

Far as I can tell, this only works on Android by setting the Homepage on Chrome for Android to the bookmarklet and it also works on desktop browsers.


Wow. I had to suspend disbelief and just follow through with the steps before I understood what I was doing or how this would work. Thanks.