How to implement GTD with Checkvist?

Is there a guide or example any where about implementing Getting Things Done (or GTD) using Checkvist?

From the way I’ve done GTD every item needs a priority, context, and project.

Priorities are easy in Checkvist, they’re built-in.

In the past, with other systems, I’ve used a combination of tags and documents (or lists) for contexts and projects.

So I figure there’s two approaches, and I’m curious if any one has a third choice or if you’ve implemented one of my ideas and if it has worked.

Option 1: Separate lists for context and tags for projects (which is similar to my current system)

Option 2: Everything in one list with tags for both context and project

With Checkvist I’m leaning towards Option 2 so I have less lists to navigate. So all my to-do’s would be in one document (list) and they would have two tags: context and project. I would have to filter on at least the context and possibly the project (depending on my focus).

For example, when running errands I would probably just filter on the #Errands tag; but at a committee meeting I would filter on #Agenda and #PTA so I’m only looking at items related to the meeting I’m in.

In fact, because I find navigating lists cumbersome, I’m considering consolidating a lot of current documents into larger lists.

So if anyone has any GTD advice for a new Checkvist user I would appreciate reading it.


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Hi there!

Not really GTD, I guess, but you may find useful:

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Each of my items only belongs to one project. So I use item nesting for projects.

One use of priority is seeing the next steps. So consider using ordering of subitems within a project item to set and show that sequencing.

You can use due dates for what GTD suggests putting on a calendar.

Not standard GTD: I actually use due dates on all my items, but more as priorities. Low priorities get thrown years into the future. Urgent items get marked for today. Each day, I review what’s marked the day and either do it, delete it, or throw it some appropriate distance into the future.

My contexts are disjoint, like home and work, so I use a small number of top-level lists for them. I use an inbox list for quick entry. Each context starts with a different letter, so that I can navigate lists (ll) and move items (mm) quickly from the keyboard.

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I don’t find much use for tags, except for the rare categorization that cuts across contexts (lists) and projects (items). I marked New Year’s #resolutions once this way.

I usually only use priorities as a way to highlight certain items when I’m reviewing a long list of todos in a list or on the Due page, when I’m thinking about what I want to do next that day, and I’m flagging candidates.

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Checkvist’s smart syntax for due dates is pretty cool, I should use then more!

I do something similar with my Rocketbook Everlast!

After a few decades of not using GTD, I am back to it. I have a mountain of tasks and I have to get it organized. I would be happy to update on how I am using it. I have created the different “@” areas as their own list, and entitled it starting with “@”. I also added the tag “gtd” to each of those list so I can see those all grouped together using the group together feature (not sure what it’s called).
Following David Allen’s key concept of have a multi-step task but having confusion over what to do next, below the task, when I have a mind to focus, I create subtasks in order of the steps to take to complete the task. For each subtask, I mark it complete. Because that subtask is complete, the whole task may now need to move to a different list. Let’s say I did the computer work part of the task, now I need to make a call. I move the whole task, along with its subtasks (some completed, some not) to the @Calls list. This is what I’ve got so far.

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