Current behavior:
- Open task’s notes for editing
- Select a word
- Press Delete
- Note is deleted
Expected behavior:
A selected word is deleted.
Like when pressing Backspace.
Current behavior:
Expected behavior:
A selected word is deleted.
Like when pressing Backspace.
Hello Eugene,
Could you please tell which OS/Browser do you use? Could not reproduce the issue neither on MacBook PRO with emulated “Del” nor on Microsoft Surface book with the real “Del” key.
Ubuntu 20.04
Chrome 88.0.4324.150
I’m sorry still did not have a chance to check it, but will do. Have to setup VirtualBox first.
Thanks. Feel free to write if I can help with debugging.
I’ve noticed that it happens when I select a word by mouse click.
I can’t reproduce the issue if text selected from the keyboard.
@Eugene_Krivobokov Thanks for the details! I’ve reproduced it on Mac as well, selecting via mouse is a triggering part. Will fix and let you know.
@Eugene_Krivobokov The problem should be fixed now, thanks a lot for reporting it!