Create a to-do list from emails, issues, and support tickets

Hello, friends,

Sometimes your work plan is spread between several support and ticketing systems - Jira, Zendesk, YouTrack. And, of course, lots of emails.

We solve this problem with a ‘composite to-do lists’, which you can create on-the-fly with Checkvist and Web Clipper.

Now, the Web Clipper is enhanced with tag and due date auto-completion and it includes several new integrations.

Till soon,


Looks great, and in the context of Checkvist, positioning the Web Clipper as a tool to collect “things to do” from different sources (Gmail, GitHub Issues, and more), makes a lot of sense to me, and more sense than “collecting content, à-la Instapaper”, that I had originally imagined.

Now, do you have any plans to support the web clipper on browsers other than Chrome, for instance Safari? :wink: Or maybe creating a bookmarklet for browsers other than Chrome? Is everything you are doing in the extension possible with a simple bookmarklet?


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Thanks for asking :slight_smile:

Last time I checked, writing extensions for Safari was not a simple task, and given that it uses < 10% of active users - we’d hardly move into this way. Web Clipper works in Chrome and Firefox.

A simple bookmarklet is a no-go these days, when sites often implement Content-Security-Policy which disallow bookmarklets access the content of the web page - and without it, it is hardly possible to do things like extracting title of the Zendesk/Jira issue.


Hi Kir,

I didn’t realize that the Content-Security-Policy also applied to bookmarklets. And I understand that with less than 10% of the users impacted, creating a Safari extension isn’t a priority. Tough, but makes sense.


the Web Clipper doesn’t recognise the subject from an e-mail if the split view is enabled in GMail. It only works when the mail is opened from the list view.


Hi Malte,

Thanks for noticing! Looks like this is not an easy issue to fix, but we’ll try to.
Add it to our Web Clipper bug-list for the next update.
