Copy Paste editing of text is broken

Text editing of items is currently broken with following issues -

  1. Pasting a text item from the clipboard, automatically pushes the cursor towards the end of the list item. Normal text editing behaviour is that the cursor should, after the paste operation, be placed at the end of the pasted text.
    This causes un-necessary key strokes to go back to the position where editing was going and a pain when editing big items.

  2. Undo (Ctrl+Z) while editing a text in a list item does not work. Normal text editing behaviour from Operating System and most text editing applications (including the browser text-area) is that Ctrl+Z undoes the last editing. This does not work and Ctrl+Z does nothing.

I think the above bugs are introduced after the brace matching functionality was developed.

Hello @saurabhg9 ,

Thanks for noticing! The problem reproduces in Firefox, in the Chrome it works as expected, as far as I can see. We’ll fix this.


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Hello @saurabhg9 ,

May I ask you to check how it works for you on I believe we’ve fixed the problem there.

Thanks again!

Hi Kir - just tested. It works perfect now :slight_smile: Thanks!

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Hi @maxkir - do you know if this fix was ported to production? It doesn’t seem to work there.

Hi @saurabhg9 ,

This fix is not on the production yet, sorry. Hope to put it there this weekend.
