💥 Checkvist beta "Due tasks view" crashes


Checkvist Due tasks overview will crash. This crash will cascade down towards:

  • crashing the browser eventually
  • and eventually making my MacBook Pro (2023 M2 Pro) becoming unresponsive

Note with the same Due tasks list, on the non-beta web-app it will work.


I don’t have any clear repro steps. I’m very sorry.

This is the list that makes it crash on the beta web-app. The below screenshot is taken from the non-beta web-app:

There is also one repeating task, but this has not been modified in quite some time.

If you need any help, just let me know, I’m glad to help.

The inspector when the page crashed:


Sorry for the problem. May I take a look into your account to figure out what’s could be wrong there?

Thank you,

Yes of course! You have my permission.

I’m afraid this is not a quick fix. Could you please use main production site for a couple of days until this is fixed? I’ll let you know.


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OK, it turned out to be deployment issue - a cache was not updated. Should be working now, thanks for noticing!

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