Bookmarks: final pre-release touches

Hello everyone,

We’re close to releasing the bookmarks and if you read this today, July 14, you have a good chance to test and give us final comments regarding the feature.

We’re releasing bookmarks as a Checkvist PRO feature. If you’re not using PRO plan, you can start PRO trial, even if you tried it before - we’ve reset trial counters.

Again, what are the bookmarks? Bookmarks are named saved places in your lists that you use for quick navigation.

You can bookmark:

  • Lists
  • LIst items
  • Saved filters in the list (including the focused lists)
  • Global search
  • Filtered due page

For each bookmark, you can set a keyboard shortcut bN, where N is a number. More details about bookmarks are in the docs.

Thank you!

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Sorry, it’s not a thorough reply, but in a rush. So please read it with care.

Context … With a bookmark, I want to jump to a location, but not always restore a context (i.e., destroy the current context). Ok, your design decision. But I don’t fully get it what part of the context (focus, expand/collapse) gets restored in which cases and why.

I don’t want to always see the (unmarked) bookmark symbol to the left of the list name. (That’s also not consistent with the task bookmark icon visibility.)

On the due page, I didn’t get a popup after pressing “/”.

If I redefine b0 in the same list with a different task, it does not remove the b0 from the previous bookmarked task in the left column. Results in multiple b0.

AB isn’t fully usable with keyboard only.

BB shows bookmarks of non-existing targets. (I just deleted my test tasks and noticed.) It reminds me: I would like to edit a bookmark from the BB list (name, shortcut, remove bookmark).

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Hello @Ralf,

Thanks a ton! We were joking with Sashka: “Who could jump in and give extra feedback on such short notice? Maybe Ralf, if he is still using Checkvist :)”

You gave quite reasonable comments, as usual.

Bookmark context includes location + filter. Collapse/expand state is not preserved. Also, if navigating to bookmark allows to keep the current page state - we’re trying to do keep the state.

For instance, when navigating to a list item, if this list item is visible on the page - Checkvist just sets selection to this list item and scrolls to it. At the same time, if you navigate to the same bookmark from the different list, the whole page is reloaded and the target list item is focused.

Right, we’ve made this mark visible only on hover, should be already on beta.

The popup shows filters for the current list. We should probably do the same for the due page, i.e. for due page bookmarks/filters. Will do, but on the next update.

That’s bug, we’ll fix it, thanks!

It should be, but we changed the order of buttons at some point and did not fix tabindex. ab should be tab/shift+tab - navigatable. We’ll correct this, thanks!

Looks like another bug, thanks!

As for editing a bookmark from bb window - what do you think about using “arrow right” key to trigger “edit bookmark” dialog? Or do you have a better idea?

Thanks a lot!

Hello @Ralf,

We’ve fixed the problems you mentioned, should be better now :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot again!



About the “context”: The behaviour that a bookmarked task is focused when the bookmark is used from a different list, together with the (one level) expansion of the bookmarked task (also when used from the same list) made me think that some context is restored.

Redefining a bookmark still seems to lag an immediate update of the name. E.g., there are three b1:

As for the trigger key to edit a bookmark from the bb window: Given that the text field of the filter is active and most keys make sense for editing that field (even “arrow right”), maybe cmd+enter (on Mac). If the focus would shift away from the text field, “arrow right” would be fine (or space, or reuse ee).

Hi Ralf ,

It occurred that the latest changes we’ve made were not properly deployed on beta. But now they should be in-place, so if you can re-produce the issue with multiple b1 in the left bar - please tell us a bit more about the steps.

As for the trigger key - we need to think a bit more about it. This feature should also be discoverable, i.e. we should indicate how to use it (which shortcut etc.) and probably give some helper for mouse users, too. Maybe some icon. Thank you for your thoughts on this :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Can I use bookmarks as a move [mm] target? (I am trying to achieve extra laziness, but I have a bunch of Inbox nodes in my lists - and guess what they’re all called Inbox)

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Hello @zinoff ,

That’s a good idea! We’ll add it to our list of bookmarks improvements. As for now you cannot do it, unfortunately, but it makes perfect sense to do it. Of course, you should be able to see there only bookmarks which refer to specific lists and list items.

Kind regards,

Is it possible to have the bb menu show bookmarks in numbered order?

I’m already forgetting which number I assigned to which bookmark, so I often have to open the bb menu and just go by the name.

@Josh At some point we decided that it makes sense to order bookmarks in the order of their recent usage, i.e. most recently used bookmarks go to the top. It is useful, for instance, if you switch between a couple of locations often (and those locations don’t have assigned shortcuts).

What do you think, is such ordering less useful than order by bN?


I was forgetting there could be bookmarks without numbers, so I see your point.

I guess I’ll try harder to remember the numbers, or just give up on numbering them.

Personally, I number up to three bookmarks, and remember those - and that’s work fine for me. Later we plan to add a separate floating panel with all the bookmarks, so they are easily usable for clicking.

As for the redefinition of a bookmark, it works for me, thanks: The previously bookmarked location immediately changes to the bookmark symbol.

Just noting that when using the keyboard in the AB dialog, pressing TAB ten times—to get past b1 to b0—is much. When I press ENTER to choose the bookmark location, the focus could immediately jump to Save. Save is what I want after selecting the location.

Choosing the bookmark location could even trigger Save. I guess the approach with “Arrow Down + ENTER” as implemented in TT and BB would be more usable for me.

Often, I have two small sets of numbered bookmarks (which use up the “named bookmark space” from both directions). Filtering is important. And, with a growing number of bookmarks, several options to order them might come in handy (like alphabet/recent w/ option by-list in ASC/DESC…).

Hello @Ralf ,

Thanks for the feedback.

A couple of notes which may be helpful:

  • you can use Ctrl+Enter to submit the bookmarks window from any location, no need to tab to the Save button
  • if you know that some bookmark shortcut is free, you can use it directly to create a new bookmark with this very shortcut, as in this video:

The sorting in bb is currently implemented by ‘recent’ principle, but I believe filtering by text should allow to find the desired one rather quickly, is it not? I think that adding sorting options there could be a be overcomplication at this stage.

Thanks again,

Ctrl+Enter does the job, thanks. Though with Safari on iPad, tabbing in AB seems to be broken: Focus jumps from the text input field to the save button.

The “new b# bookmark quick definition” is very nice. It’s just that it’s a feature for one-time use, because then the bookmark number is no longer free. I confess that I don’t clean up bookmarks. A bookmark number becomes irrelevant because I don’t remember it any more, or there is a new need that makes me redefine it.

My use of bookmarks is spoilt by tools where you just press Ctrl+Shift+1 to define/toggle a numbered bookmark, and Ctrl+1 to use it. And when I need more (like naming, or looking up), there are different shortcuts. In this kind of use, I need the bookmark quickly without requiring another thought. This is different from Checkvist‘s broader use of bookmarks, like for filters. This other use is more thoughtful and less immediate; it‘s organization; and it is harder to balance.

Filtering is very important, no doubt. But I might wanna see all the filters from the current list. And all the bookmarks from the current list in list order. Or in the order of creation. Or in the order of use. (Structural and temporal relations can be very useful to help me organize myself.) Overcomplicating things? Probably. :upside_down_face: