Hello friends,
Recently we’ve got an e-mail from one of the users who evaluated the “repeating due” feature in Checkvist. He suggested that sometimes there is little sense to mark a daily repeating task as “overdue” because you still have to do this task the next day again. You may have several repeating tasks of this kind, like
- Daily jogging
- French language lessons on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays
- Workout on Thursdays
If you miss such a task, there is little sense to mark them overdue. Having such overdue tasks on your due page is kind of depressing, and these tasks are on the regular schedule anyway.
But for a task like “Make a monthly bank payment” it is quite the opposite, if you miss this task, you should see this and close it explicitly.
To improve such scenario, we’ve added an option which allows skipping “overdue” status for repeating tasks. The option is now available on https://beta.checkvist.com:
Please try it out and let us know what you think. We’re going to release this feature the next week together with the new UI changes.
- I’d use repeating tasks with no overdue
- I don’t think it is valuable for me
0 voters